fashion week.

“Clover Canyon is made in California, and always will be.”

Fashion week.

The (sartorial) world lives and breathes fashion week. It comes in like an avalanche a few times a year, causing never-ending FOMO and an acute case of seasonal confusion.

But we love it. Fashion Week (#MBFW #NYFW, if you will) has become as much of a spectacle as the clothes themselves – and it’s amazing. I’m always amazed that the shows go on with minimal interruption, each and every year.


“Part of THE ROW’s mission is to support high-end fashion manufacturing in the US.”

I have ample experience creating product lines, but the majority have been with huge scale and resources behind my team. Creating a highly innovative line without that? It’s incredibly difficult… as any casual Project Runway viewer can attest.

Sampling and producing clothing is a complex process, it takes not only a huge amount of work and skill, but it also takes infrastructure – people trained in the techniques needed to create the garments and machines readily available to produce the product.


“Nanette Lepore is an advocate for Save the Garment Center and Made in NYC. Making it in America ensures that the fashion industry will continue to thrive in this country for years to come”

This infrastructure used to exist… and likely led to our favorite American designers (Oscar! Diane! Marc!) becoming who they are now… At one point, 95% of clothes sold in America were made here, and these designers and makers made New York City and the Garment District into the pinnacle of the fashion world that we know today.


“Core to HONOR’s mission is a dedication to bringing industry back to Manhattan’s historic garment district, respect for the art of garment making, and fair treatment of the skilled artisans who create them. HONOR garments are developed and produced exclusively in New York City.”

However, today, less than 3% of the apparel that is sold in the United States is made here. At what point does this infrastructure cease to exist?

When that happens, what will happen to our beloved fashion week? What will happen to American fashion and innovation in general? Supporting American-made labels has economic benefit, yes, but more importantly, when you support these labels, you are investing in the future of fashion. You are setting the stage for the next Diane/Marc/Oscar to take his or her rightful place. Who wouldn’t want to be a part of that?

Featured – some of my favorite shows from designers who make it a point to produce domestically.

for more – see Made in Midtown & Save the Garment Center. Images via WWD.

Rebecca Atwood


Rebecca Atwood launched her first line of gorgeous hand dyed and painted pillows and vintage-framed artwork last April… conveniently, right as we were moving into a new place. I was lucky to snag my favorite pillows and was amazed by the quality when they arrived (I used to source throw pillows and in general am pretty snobby about textiles!). The work evident in these items is phenomenal; Rebecca is a true artist and has created an amazing line. I’m not the only person who thinks so – her line blew up the blogosphere and is now available at retailers including Steven Alan, Garde Shop, and Furbish studio. Her second collection launched yesterday. She was kind to chat with me a few weeks ago… for more inspiration, check out her blog, The Fold!


I’m not team sports oriented, I’m very competitive with myself. My parents instilled that in us – you have to work hard, so you better love what you are doing.

Family and friends. My dad is a big influence, he always told me to do what you are passionate about. When I decided to major in painting (as opposed to something that seemed more commercially viable, like textile design) my dad was so excited and said – why would you do anything else?


My husband. He works long hours so I look forward to seeing him when he gets home.

My morning cup of coffee.

Building in creative time each week – time for making doesn’t always happen but it’s important to focus on it – it’s a good reminder as to why I’m doing what I’m doing.



I’m not the stylish sister! [note – Becca’s referring to her older sister, blogger Grace Atwood – I think there can be more than one stylish sister in a family!]  I love my basics and I like to keep things pretty simple. I’m a jeans girl. I love Emerson Fry, my Clare Vivier pouch. I do love interesting shoes. I’m not a big jewelry person – I love my delicate everyday pieces.


Walking around my neighborhood in Brooklyn. In the Cape where I grew up – I’m not working when I’m there so I can soak things in. A lot of the line was inspired by the Cape in the off season. Travel – particularly India. I could spend all day in the markets in India.


I wanted to bring back a closeness to the production process, which definitely meant making it here. It is really important to be a part of HOW the product is being made. I’m not opposed to making a product somewhere else, but there is something about being able to go somewhere daily and see the work being done.

I always want some items to be made in house – they let me push things forward and allow for newness and surprises to happen in the process. Being involved and knowing how something is made is so important. Not all designers know how their product is made.

It’s about bringing attention to the production process. I get to choose. I never got to choose before.


So many people! I’m a huge fan of ceramics – Lindsay Emery of Suite One Studio in North Carolina makes my favorite dishes, Josephine Heilpern of Recreation Center in Brooklyn is doing inspiring work with glaze and patterns. I really admire the work ethic and vision of Maura Ambrose of Folk Fibers

I’m so excited about what other people are doing and the movement that is happening.

I never thought I’d have my own business. As I worked in more jobs, I realized that it was what I needed to do to be happy. 

rebecca-atwood-collection-4Thank you, Rebecca, for taking part in my first brand interview on TAE! So excited to see where you take your brand next!

ALSO! Rebecca has been nominated for a Martha Stewart American Made award! Please be sure to vote for her – up to 6 times a day!

[images by Emily Johnston Anderson, courtesy of Rebecca Atwood]

Rebecca Atwood is a TAE A-list brand.

The Edit: Lawn Party


Jules’ blog, Lawn Party, and her pinterest boards are basically my sartorial dreams come true (true story – I repin at least half of her pins). She curates the best of the best items – from both small designers and more accessible retailers – and more importantly, is incredibly sweet!

Thanks, Jules, for sharing your favorites!